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Showing posts from January, 2018

web browser, web address, web page navigation, web searching

what is a world wide web ? world wide web world wide web   WEB BROWSER what is a web browser ? web browser what is a function of web browser      example of web browser Google Chrome Mozilla Firefox Opera Internet explorer Safari WEB ADDRESS what is a web address example of web address what is a function of web address  retrieves a web page using a web browser If you know the Web address of a Web page, you can type it in the Address bar at the top of the browser window. WEB PAGE NAVIGATION what is a web page navigation example of web page navigation what is a function of web page navigation WEB SEARCHING what is web searching  the use of web searching 

Different types of Internet connection ,Internet Service Provider ,The Internet Address

TYPES OF INTERNET CONNECTION TWO TYPES OF INTERNET CONNECTION Dial up connection Broadband Internet Connection/Direct Connection  DIAL UP CONNECTION Dial-up connection is a form of Internet access that uses the facilities of the public switched telephone network to establish a connection to an Internet service provider by dialing a telephone number on a conventional telephone line. dial up connection two types of dial up connection conventional dial up Connect to the Internet, your computer dials its modem and connects to a modem attached to a computer belonging to your ISP. v PC has to dial via a phone line to connect v Characteristics of Conventional dial-up:         Slower, but cheaper      Ties up phone lines     Relatively secure from hackers      Example :- Jaring , TMNet ISDN ( Integrated Service Digital Network ) v also transfer data over ordinary telephone lines v Typically uses two

Overview of the Internet

overview of the internet what is internet ? The Internet is a worldwide collection of networks that links millions of businesses, government agencies, educational institutions, and individuals. evolution of the internet advantages and disadvantages of internet INTERNET ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Software download ·          You can freely download software like utilities, games , music, videos, movies from the internet. Virus threat ·          Threat to our privacy Access information ·          Can find any information in almost everything that you want to know. Spamming ·          Sending unsolicited e-mails in bulk, which serve no purposes and unnecessarily clog up the entire system Social connectivity ·          We can communicate with each other using online application such as facebook, Instagram and whatsapp. Social disconnect ·          People now onl


network topology what is network topology ? network topology is the layout of the computers and devices in a communications network. Different between bus, star and ring topology BUS TOPOLOGY bus topology is a consists of a single central cable (backbone) , to which all computers and other devices connected. Advantages of bus network Inexpensive and easy to install other devices can be attached or detached without disturbing the network failure of one device usually does not affect the rest of the network Disadvantages of bus network there might be disruption when computer or other devices are added or removed the break in the main cable (backbone) will prevent all systems from accessing the network it is difficult to identify the problem if the entire network shut down STAR TOPOLOGY Star topology is all the computers and other devices on the network connect to a central device, thus forming a star. Advantages of star network


What is Network Architecture ? ⇒Network architecture is the configuration of computers, devices and media on a network.   Also known as the design of a communication  network . It is a framework for the            specification of a  network's  physical components and their functional organization and    configuration, its operational principles and procedures, as well as data formats use. Categories of Network Architecture Peer-To-Peer network Client/Server network Different between Client-Server and Peer to Peer Network Architecture Category Client/Server Peer-to-peer Definition One or more computers act as a server, and the other computers on the network request services from the server. Each computer, called a peer, has equal responsibilities and capabilities, sharing haedware (such as printer), data, or information with other compu