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  • world wide web
  • e-mail
  • instant messaging
  • voice over protocal (VoIP)
  • message board
  • File Transfer Protocol
 world wide web ( www )

  • www or web consists of a worldwide collection of electronic documents
  • each electronic component on the Web is called Web page
  • A website is a collection of related web pages and associated items, such as documents and pictures, stored on a web server.
  • Web server is a computer that delivers requested web pages to your computer.
  • Visitors to a dynamic web page, can customize some or all of the viewed content such as desired stock quotes, weather for a region or ticket availability for flights.



  • short for electronic mail
  • one of the original services on the internet
  • an email address is a unique name that consists of a user name and domain name that identifies the user
  • basic form of an email address is:

instant messaging (IM)

  •    A real-time internet communication service that notifies you when one or more people are online and allows you to exvhange messages or files or join a private chat room with them.
  • real times means that you and the people with whom you are conversing are online at the same time.
  • some IM services support voice and video conversation
  • popular IM services  ;
                       -AIM( AOL Instant Messenger)
                       -Google talk
                       -MySpace IM
                       -Windows Live Messenger

voice over protocol (VoIP)

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), is a technology that allows you to make voice calls using a broadband Internet connection instead of a regular (or analog) phone line. Some VoIP services may only allow you to call other people using the same service, but others may allow you to call anyone who has a telephone number - including local, long distance, mobile, and international numbers. Also, while some VoIP services only work over your computer or a special VoIP phone, other services allow you to use a traditional phone connected to a VoIP adapter.

To place an Internet telephone call, you need :

  • a high speed internet connection (such as DSL or Cable Madam)
  • Internet telephone service
  • a microphone or telephone
  • Internet telephone software or VoIP router

 message board

  • type of discussion group
  • many websites use message boards because they are easier to use.
  • also known as discussion group, discussion forum and online forum
  • a general term for any online "bulletin board" where you can leave and expect to see responses to messages you have left
  • a popular web-based type of discussion group that does not require a newsreader 
message board

File transfer protocol

  • FTP is an Internet standard that permits file uploading and downloading with other computers on the Internet.
  • A standard for the exchange of program and data files across a network.
  • Uploading is the process of transferring documents, graphics and other objects from your computer to a server on the internet.
  • FTP is one method, users have to transfer webpages files from their local machine to the server.
  • An FTP server is a computer that allows users to upload and/or download file using FTP.
  • An FTP site is a collection of file including text, graphics, audio clips, video clips and program files that reside on an FTP server
  • Some FTP sites restrict file transfers to those who have authorized accounts on the FTP server



  • Portal
  • Business
  • Blog
  • Wiki
  • Online Social Network


  • A website that offer variety of internet services from single, convenient location
  •  Web system that provides the functions and features to authenticate and identify the users
Provide them with an easy, intuitive, personalized and user-customizable web-interface for facilitating access to information.    

  •  Contains content that promotes or sells products or services
  • Many of these enterprises also allow you to purchase their products or services online.
  • Examples: Pearl Haya Gallery, Anakku brand, Walt Disney Company  and Kraft Brands .
  • A blog is basically a journal that is available on the web.
  • The activity of updating a blog is “blogging” and someone who keeps a blog is a “blogger.”
  • Conclusion: a blog is a type of website that is usually arranged in chronological order from the most recent ‘post’ (or entry) at the top of the main page to the older entries towards the bottom.


  •         The difference between a wiki and blog is that users cannot modify original posts made by the     blogger.

  •            Visitors can also create new content and change the organization of existing content.

  •             The simplest wiki programs allow editing of text and hyperlinks only.

  •        More advanced wikis make it possible to add or change images, tables, and certain interactive components such as games.
  •        Encourages members in its online community to share their interests, ideas, stories, photos, music and videos with other registered users
  •          Examples: Facebook, MySpace
  •          A media sharing web site
  •         va specific type of online social network that enables members to share media such as photos, music and videos.




dial up connection

two types of dial up connection

conventional dial up

Connect to the Internet, your computer dials its modem and connects to a modem attached to a computer belonging to your ISP.

vPC has to dial via a phone line to connect

vCharacteristics of Conventional dial-up:

  • *       Slower, but cheaper
  • *    Ties up phone lines
  • *    Relatively secure from hackers
  • *    Example :- Jaring, TMNet

ISDN ( Integrated Service Digital Network )

valso transfer data over ordinary telephone lines
vTypically uses two phone lines to transfer data
vISDN requires a special ISDN modem
vCharacteristics of ISDN:
  •      Faster, but pricey
  •      Doesn’t tie up phone line
  •      Used by businesses and individuals



           Internet service provider (ISP) is an organization that provides access to the Internet. Internet service providers may be organized in various forms, such as commercial, community-ownednon-profit, or otherwise privately owned.
Internet services typically provided by ISPs include Internet accessInternet transitdomain nameregistration, web hostingUsenet service and colocation.


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